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08/01/2016 - Cool Route at the London Boat Show

London Boat Show 2016

London Boat Show 2016


Donegal County Council is delighted to be one of the partners on the Cool Route Project, which is heading to the most fantastic Boat Show in the world.  The London Boat Show, which takes place from 8 – 17 January 2016 is now in its 62nd year and is a mecca for all things nautical and we are excited to be part of this world renowned event.


The Cool Route Project investigates all aspects of the potential to establish a yacht cruising route along the western offshore areas of the Northern Periphery Area, stretching from Co. Cork in the South of Ireland, to the UK (Northern Ireland and Western Scotland) and onwards to the Faroe Islands and Norway.  As an ecotourism product, exploiting the natural resources of the area in a manner that is sustainable and environmentally viable; this new sea route will be marketed internationally and will have a common branding, booking and information system.


Donegal County Council and Donegal Tourism are both involved in this project which is a similar to the very successful Sail West Project, which was launched in 2010 and is still ongoing.  The focus of these projects is to encourage Sailing and Marine Leisure tourism off our coasts.  The Cool Route lead partner is Cork Institute of Technology and other partners include Derry City and Strabane District Council, Royal Cork Yacht Club, Glasgow Caledonian University, Blue Sea Marinas Glasgow, Port Authority of Torshavn (Faroe Islands and Western Norway Research Institute.


The project is researching on a transnational basis, the development and marketing of the overall cruising grounds around Europe’s North Western Seaboard.  Wide ranging research is now being conducted by Cool Route on the Cruising Preferences of sailors in Ireland, the United Kingdom, the Faroe Islands and Norway.  This research, which is incorporating the expert views and priorities of cruising skippers, will be an important input to the future development and marketing of cruising in these waters.  We invite you to be part of this research and please complete the survey, which is on line at


You will be able to get more information from our partners at the London Boat Show, check us out at the ‘Visit Derry and Blue Sea Marina Stands’, where Aoife McHale and Martin Latimer will be happy to navigate you through the latest news from the Cool Route.


The Cool Route Project is funded by Interreg VB Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme.







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